The Constitution is Unconstitutional

We the People are allowing ourselves to be conned by the most monstrous and longest running scam in history.

The Constitution we held Sacred is Supremist and Pro-Slavery. It was devised exclusively by Wealthy White Males, many who were slave owners, including Thomas Jefferson, reported to rape his slaves and had many children with his under-aged slave, Sally Hemings. So too, James Madison is reported to have a child with his slave. A statute of Jefferson was recently removed from a public building in N.Y.

"Thomas Jefferson was a slaveholder who owned over 600 human beings," Adrienne Adams, co-chair of the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, said. "It makes me deeply uncomfortable knowing that we sit in the presence of a statue that pays homage to a slaveholder who fundamentally believed that people who look like me were inherently inferior, lacked intelligence, and were not worthy of freedom or right."

This is the UGLY DESPICABLE TRUTH about our founding documents, that were founded on Fraud and Fatally Flawed:

(A) Pro-Slavery and Protected Slave Ownership

01They were Pro-Slavery and protected slave ownership and slave trade.

02They were founded by wealthy, white, slave- owning men to empower themselves and protect their slave ownership and trade.

03 Thurgood Marshall, the first African American on the Supreme Court, said the Constitution was "defective from the start," and the framers left out a majority of Americans by the phrase, "We the People" “consenting to a document which laid a foundation for the tragic events which were to follow."

04Deceptively, the word "slave" was intentionally avoided and does not appear in the Constitution. But the unstated purpose was carried out, slavery received protections in the Constitution by treating slaves as 3/5 of a person by the repugnant so-called three-fifths “compromise” counting three-fifths of a state's slave population in apportioning representation—giving the South extra representation in the House of Representatives and extra votes in the Electoral College. Thomas Jefferson would have lost the election of 1800 if not for the Three-fifths Compromise.

05The Constitution prohibited Congress from outlawing the Atlantic slave trade for twenty years.

06A fugitive slave clause required the return of runaway slaves to their owners.

07 The Constitution gave the federal government the power to put down domestic rebellions, including slave insurrections.

(B)Its Purpose was to Empower and Delegate Power to a Federal Government and Government Employees, not to Protect and Secure the Rights of the “People” their Employers

01 The true purpose of the Constitution was to Empower and give Powers to the Federal government.

02 The Constitution created 3 branches to be lorded over by government employees with unfettered and actual power and policed only by their fellow government employees.

03 Further, instead of exalting mankind's Humanity and Liberties by the affirmation of Our Innate Bountiful Birth Rights in the very beginning of the Constitution just as done in most, if not all state constitutions, they were relegated to “After-thought Amendments” containing meager “Rights Crumbs.”

04The Declaration of Independence articulates only a mere 3 of Our Bountiful Innate Birth Rights: “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.”

05 The Constitution deludes the People into believing it can “endow” us with Our Existing Bountiful Innate Birth Rights that it does not have and that we already own such as free speech and magnanimously “protect” our innate right to free speech by stating “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.”

06However, this is a “negative liberty”- nowhere are there enforcement provisions both criminal and civil for any breach.

07 While falsely and deceptively making it appear We the People hold the Power over our public servant employees, the reality is that the People are mere pawns in the U.S. Government Enterprise.

08In fact, not only have the People been Stripped/Raped of all Power (actually Gang Raped as the Rape is by all 3 branches of government servants), they have also defiled us by their pittance of Power to “fix” their violations of our Rights by their illusory “Right to Petition for Redress of Grievance” that requires we “plead” for Redress to the very same perpetrators of the Grievance and under a sham Constitution that does not even affirm our Innate Right to actual “Redress.”

09 Their notion of “due process” is deliberately and diabolically vague and depravely made to appear as a “civil” matter when any deprivation of Our Innate Bountiful Birth Rights is a criminal matter, subjecting the perpetrator to criminal liability, not a slap on the hand by their self policing fellow conspirators.

(C)Our 30 Innate Bountiful Birth Rights

We have no less than 30 Innate Bountiful Birth Rights as specifically enumerated in the International Bill of Rights. Learn more

(D)Our Rights are not Protected and Secured

01There is no express intent in the Constitution to provide for protection of private property.

02There is no explicit protection of private property.

03However, in Article IV, the Constitution specifically protects the property of government by empowering Congress to dispose of and make Rules respecting Property belonging to the U.S.

04There are no provisions for the enforcement of Our Bountiful Innate Birth Rights.


The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; it tells the federal government or the state to let people alone; it does not require the federal government or the state to provide services even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order Judge Richard A. Posner, Bowers v. DeVito (1982)

We have been sadistically deluded about the countless scope of Our Innate Bountiful Birth Rights.

Our Innate Bountiful Birth Rights, Property, Liberty, Family and Lives are being Stolen, Stripped, Raped, actually Gang Raped as perpetrated in conspiracy by all 3 government branches

These Crimes constitute Crimes against Humanity under International Laws, thereby falling under the sole jurisdiction of and mandating criminal sentencing by the International Criminal Court.

We have evolved far beyond the Archaic, Colonial “Founding Documents” of Wealthy Slave Owner White Males devised almost 250 years ago.

The U.S. Government has been built on a Scheme to Defraud, whereby its government employees consider their positions to be an Entitlement to Steal the Wealth and Resources of the People and the Country and use their service as public servants for no other purpose than to enrich themselves by the abuse and retention of their position.

These usurpations and abuses have become engrained into the criminal empire run by U.S. government employees as a result of the apathy by We the Peoples such that Power and Greed are no longer sufficient gratification. The U.S. Government has descended into a lethal sadistic blood sport against the People no different than ritual human hunting and human kills like Exotic Animal Hunt Expeditions.

The U.S. Government, built on a Scheme to Defraud has incorporated and perfected the most heinous treacheries and depravities throughout history by Third World Countries, the Third Reich and the biggest Transnational Crime Organizations; The U.S. Government is consequently far more dangerous, and constitutes a National and International Security Threat

We therefore have a duty by the Laws of Nature and Nations, as acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence to Alter the form of Government. As so provided in the Declaration of Independence, we “Submit these Usurpations and Abuses to a Candid World.”