Barbara Stone

The People's President

The People's Rights Forum

Our Day Has Come

#We Know #We Grow

We are the world

Meet Barbara

Hello America and World – my name is Barbara Stone.
I have announced my candidacy for President of the U.S. I am choosing to run for President as I have respect and honor for the People of this Country. I am outraged as a Citizen of the U.S. and the world about how the lives and very essence of humanity of those who have believed in, toiled and built this country has become defiled and destroyed by government servants in every branch of government. The crimes by government servants are rampant as there are no consequences for them.

Our country is completely lawless in every arena - our right to free speech is censored, our right to privacy is invaded, our liberty is threatened by false incarceration as the government runs a racket by profiting from the jail system and there are countless other rackets.

But nowhere is the tyrannical U.S. government more brazenly on display than with regard to our basic human and family rights and the destruction of our lives under the guise of family court and guardian court.

Our rights are Unalienable and endowed by the Creator under the Declaration of Independence and derived from Human Dignity under the UN. Universal Declaration of Human rights. They are not "civil" or "constitutional rights" - they are our Unalienable birthrights that we own because we were born and exist.

Protecting our Human Rights is the fundamental function for governments. Reclaiming and protecting our human rights is the essence of my campaign and the reason I am running for President.

I am an expert on government tyranny as I have experienced it first hand as a victim while seeking futile remedy to protect my mother from being human trafficked in the guise of “guardianship” and as a prior attorney who has been viciously retaliated for being a whistleblower.

The U.S. is at War against Humanity. That is why I am running for President. There is no one in or seeking office except myself who will speak Truth to Tyranny, must less articulate a Platform to bring to light and remedy the U.S. War on Humanity and restore and protect the rights of We the People.


We own our rights. There is nothing more important than Reclaiming and Protecting our Rights.
Please support me in this platform to Reclaim and Protect our Unalienable Rights.

What Insurrection?

All Government Buildings Are Owned by the People

the People's Building

#We Know #We Grow

Our Bountiful Unalienable Birthrights

Our Rights are Fundamental, Inherent, Unalienable, , Innate, Natural, Equal and Universal.

They are OWNED by us by virtue of our Birth and Humanity and because WE EXIST as human beings.

Our Rights are Unalienable and are endowed by the Creator under the Declaration of Independence.

They are not “granted” by the State. To the contrary, the state has a DUTY to Protect and Secure our Rights. Our rights

Our rights are derived by “Human Dignity” under the International Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations

Any so called “law” that strips our Unalienable Rights is Unlawful and VOID and must be Repealed and removed from the books.

Our rights cannot be taken away or restricted except if found guilty of a crime by a legitimate court of law

Far beyond the 3 meager “Rights Crumbs” (life, liberty and pursuit of happiness) articulated in the archaic Constitution, we have 30 + Unalienable Bountiful Birthrights enumerated in an International Bill of Rights enacted by the United Nations

#We Know #We Grow

Our Unalienable Rights have been

Stripped and Raped

We Are Blowing the Lid Off of the Human Trafficking Rackets perpetrated by U.S. government servants who have Murdered, Stolen, Stripped and Raped our Rights, Family, Property, Homes, Possessions, Freedom and Lives.
These crimes constitute “Atrocity Crimes” under international law, the most severe of crimes

Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows or with both.

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.

Frederick Douglass, civil rights activist, Aug. 4, 1857

#We Know #We Grow

Our New Legitimate People's Government

The People's Building



#We Know #We Grow

Wake Up America
We Are Living In A Big Lie

1. Our Innate Unalienable Birth Rights have been stolen.

2. The endless so-called “laws” that Murder, rape/strip us of our Unalienable Birthrights are illegal, null, and void.

3. The Government does not secure our Rights or derive its just Powers from our Consent and has been destructive to this end

4. As mandated by the Declaration of Independence, it is, our duty to throw off such Government and provide new Guards for our future Security

5. We must Reclaim and Secure Our Innate Unalienable Bountiful Birth Rights

6. We must Alter, Abolish, and Institute a New Government to Effect our Safety and Happiness

7. We must Affirm the International Bill of Rights to be established as our Founding and Governing Principles

8. We Submit these Facts to a Candid World.

#We Know #We Grow

The People’s Rights Platform

It is impossible for Crime Victims of U.S. Government Crimes to seek remedy alone. The only result is further retaliation and more entrenched corruption by enactment of additional illegal, unconstitutional laws to cover up loopholes. We the People’s must unite to reclaim our rights and inherent dignity for our generation and our children to thrive and prosper. We the People’s, ourselves, are the only ones who can make this happen.

1. We the People’s must come together to take action to emerge into the next millennium with our rights, freedoms and inherent dignity.

2. We the People’s must set aside the “U.S. Injustice System” and establish a legitimate “U.S. Justice System.”

3. We the People’s must become the principal and guiding power of our newly instituted government.

4. We the People’s must lay its foundation on the principles and organize its powers in such form as shall seem most likely to effort our Safety and Happiness.

5. We the People’s must adopt and ratify the international, universal laws of the United Nations to become a true international leader, to lead the world by actions, not by hypocrisy.

6. We the People’s must demand that international agencies including the U.N. Human Rights Council, the U.N. Security Council, the International Criminal Court and NATO comply with their own Charters and Conventions; repeal and nullify all provisions therein that strip our Unalienable Rights; and enact effective enforcement provisions to ensure compliance by their member states.

#We Know #We Grow

The U.S. is at War Against Humanity

The U.S. government runs a massive, diabolical Human, Sex Trafficking and Genocide Regime against its own People and the World Population: mothers, fathers, children and spouses by using illegal, void “Nuremberg Laws” to murder/strip/rape their UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.

Nuremberg laws are illegal, unlawful, null so called “laws” devised by color of law, imposter government employees to strip the People of their rights and misuse, abuse, weaponize and criminalize the laws against them order to seize and steal their rights, assets and liberty.

No one in the World is Immune. Members of the Pritzker and Disney families, Britney Spears, beloved, iconic artist Peter Max, Mrs.Vincent Astor and other prominent philanthropists and celebrities have been seized, embezzled and murdered in this racket.

All three branches of government work in collusion:

1. U.S. legislative government employees use false, devious “protection sounding names” such as “guardianship” “conservatorship” and “child protection” to enact and mask their illegal Nuremberg Laws.

2. U.S. executive government employees - the President and his cabinet and State Governors illegally “adopt” these illegal, void, “Human Trafficking/Nuremberg Laws” using the People to profit from slavery and steal taxpayer funds to incentivize, “certify” and fund third party grafter vendors who use such “protection sounding names” as“Adult Protection Services” and “Child Protection Services”“Guardians” and “Conservators” to kidnap, sale, barter and traffic our children and parents.

3. U.S. judicial government employees use taxpayer courts to run a human trafficking crime syndicate.

Federal and state “law enforcement agencies” act as the “Protection Arm” for these Crime Syndicates.

These Crimes constitute the most egregious felony crimes under U.S. Laws including Murder, Murder for Hire, human trafficking,kidnapping, conspiracy, theft, extortion and blackmail. GovernmentGrifter Insiders, many with criminal records are paid to steal, fenceand money launder the homes and possessions of American familiesand the world population, then Murder them by toxic chemicalrestraints. These Crimes include “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law” in criminal violation of Federal law 18 U.S.C. § 242.The criminal penalties include life imprisonment and the death sentence.

Appendix of U.S. Crimes:

These Crimes constitute “Atrocity Crimes” the most heinous atrocities under International Laws. Atrocity Crimes include four categories of Crimes: Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression. Pillaging is a war crime under the Geneva Convention. The Atrocity Crimes are described in the ICC Claim.

This deadly racket is no different than the Nazi Holocaust. People are rounded up under auspices of the state, their assets stolen and they are murdered by chemical restraints. In fact, it is far more diabolical as it is perpetrated by the U.S. Government that falsely positions itself as a “Human Rights Protector” when it has failed to sign most of the core International Human Rights Treaties.

We make testament to this U.S. Holocaust just as those who escaped the Nazi Holocaust.

#We Know #We Grow

The Genocide and Human and Sex Traffic Regimes
Perpetrated by the U.S. Government Against the U.S. and World Population

A.The U.S. Guardian Genocide Regime

The U.S. Government Kidnaps, Enslaves, Traffics, Tortures and Murders vulnerable adults and children in this terrorist enterprise they coin “guardianship/conservatorship” to steal their home, life savings and possessions. The U.S. Government enslaves and terrorizes their family members, leaving them homeless, indigent, penniless, crippled financially and debilitated from waging a futile war with the U.S. Guardian Genocide Regime to protect their families.

B. The U.S. Child Sex/Human Trafficking Regime

As done in the U.S. Guardian Genocide Regime, the U.S. Child Sex/Human Trafficking Regime Kidnaps, Enslaves, Traffics, Tortures and Murders vulnerable children in this terrorist enterprise under the guise of “the best interest of the child” to mask the theft of the homes, life savings and possessions of the parents.

C. Reverse Blackmail Schemes

The U.S Guardian and Child Trafficking Rackets run a “reverse blackmail scheme” symbiotic to that of Jeffrey Epstein. Contrary to blackmailing and extorting payments from pedophiles, predators and perverts as done by Epstein to buy their silence, these Rackets extort payments from and issue illegal “Gag Orders” against Family Member Crime Victims to prevent them from reporting Atrocity Crimes by the U.S. Government.

D. The faces of the trafficking regimes

The U.S. Genocide and Trafficking Regimes
A U.S. Holocaust that is
Undoubtedly the most Evil and Barbaric
Crime Syndicate in History
Sanctioned, Sponsored and Funded by All Branches
and at all levels of U. S. government

#We Know #We Grow

The U.S. Government is a Conglomerate
of Inextricably Intertwined Rackets

A. Attacks against Family Members


The U.S. Guardian and Child Sex/Human Trafficking Rackets have spawn a vast, industry of rackets against family members (“Inextricably Intertwined Rackets”).

The Inextricably Intertwined Rackets are carried out in other lawless, collusive, crime syndicates falsely called “courts” to protect, cover up, debilitate, rape the rights of and destroy the lives of family members to financially profit from embroiling them in other court rackets. These Inextricably Intertwined Rackets also serve to silence exposure and render family members indigent so they must struggle for their own financial survival and unable to fight the underlying Racket

These Inextricably Intertwined Rackets use such names as “bankruptcy” “foreclosure” “criminal” “probate” “civil” to perpetrate a separate string of Atrocity Crimes including:

1. Forcing Family Member Crime Victims into bankruptcy and foreclosure where their own homes and assets are stolen and they are extorted by fabricated “court” “attorney” and other RICO “fees”;

2. Sued in fraudulent lawsuits known a “SLAPP lawsuits” where they are falsely accusing them of “defamation” when they truthfully report the Crimes;

3. Maliciously prosecuted and falsely arrested for invented “crimes” such as:

a. “Contempt of Court” by being falsely accused of “violating” illegal, void rights raping edicts by judicial criminals that strip them of their Rights to protect their loved ones and report crimes;
b. “Interference with “custody” of their own parent or child to orchestrate their false arrest when family members attempt to protect their loved ones from the Atrocity Crimes. “Custody” is another fabricated code word to absurdly imply someone can be stripped/raped of their Inalienable Birth Rights and held in “Civil Custody.”

4. Subjected to illegal, void so called “orders” called “gag orders” to silence them from reporting crimes. These so called “gag orders” actually constitute crimes of blackmail and extortion. Insert Link with Appendix of Crimes.

5. Subjected to “Extortion and Rights Raping Edicts” called by such code words as “Supervision” or “Visitation” Orders;

6. Issued “no action letters” by aiding, abetting and colluding judicial government employees including “appellate courts”, “attorney and judicial oversight committees” and their protection arm, the “law enforcement agencies.”

When Family Members first become a Crime Victim, they are unaware the U.S. Guardian Genocide Racket and Child Sex/Human Trafficking Racket are deliberate systemic Atrocity Crimes. As they wade through a deliberate minefield of obstacles,cover up,retaliation and escalated attacks, they realize they are embroiled in anorganized crime syndicate and cover up web and any attempt at remedy is futile as the U.S. is perpetrating a War against Humanity.

B. Conglomerate of Rackets

Examples of other U.S. Conglomerate Rackets include:

1. Private Prisons conjured by government employees in collusion with such companies as GEO where victims are human trafficked by false incarceration to benefit private companies in which government employees are secretly invested.

2. “Kids for Cash” scandal, a Child Trafficking Private Prison Racket run by judicial criminals who sent children to detention centers in which they were invested, openly run and abetted for years by all government branches destroying the lives of thousands of families;

3. Eco-Genocide Environment Rackets run in conspiracy with toxic companies like Chevron that pollute and destroy the environment and collude with judicial criminals to prosecute, terrorize and torture those who expose them;

4. Nuremberg Code Crimes by Big Pharma euthanasia companies such as Johnson and Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer using an unending series of “vaccines” that likely produce their own “Mutants” requiring further “vaccines” to pretend to cure a newly discovered unscientific “Covid” disease while making billions but are unable to create a cure for long festering scientific diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes.

5. Illegal “Protection Sounding Laws” like the “Patriot Act” used to cover up secret illegal surveillance and torture those like Julian Assange who expose that these illegal “laws” are “Crimes of Aggression” under international laws. In retaliation, Assange was Forcibly Disappeared, restrained in a dungeon reminiscent of the barbaric medieval ages. In the ultimate irony, Assange sought to remain in a dungeon instead of returned to the U.S. to be criminalized for the crimes of the U.S. government.

#We Know #We Grow

Our International Criminal Court Complaint

There are MILLIONS of families all over the U.S. and the world whose parents, children and spouses are stolen, kidnapped, trafficked and murdered by predators and grifters paid by and under the “auspices” of the government, using Nuremberg “rights - raping” pronouncements in the guise of legitimate “laws.” The agenda of these U.S. Atrocity Crimes is to secret their Crime Victims away from their family and the world in order to operate a profiteering slave trade industry using its citizens, residents and the entire world population in order to steal their assets in secret using false laws and false courts.

The deadly, systemic Genocide, Trafficking organized crime syndicates are a U.S. Holocaust no different than the Nazi Holocaust using the same illegal Nuremberg Laws, where citizens were rounded up under auspices of the state, their assets stolen and they were murdered by chemical restraints in concentration camps.

The U.S. Government is Perpetrating “Atrocity Crimes”
under International Laws

Governments are obliged under international law to:

a. carry out exhaustive and impartial investigations into allegations of violations of the right to life,

b. bring to justice and punish their perpetrators,

c. to grant compensation to the victims or their families, and

d. to take effective measures to avoid future recurrence of such violations.

To the contrary, the U. S. government itself is perpetrating Atrocity Crimes and flouting its deliberate, systemic violation of international laws. Atrocity Crimes under international law include Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and Crimes of Aggression.

The International Criminal Court in the Hague was established by the the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust to hold government leaders criminally liable for Atrocity Crimes. The ICC is mandated to provide remedy

The Perpetrators

The other top government employees in this Criminal Complaint/Claim in addition to Joe Robinette Biden, Jr. include Kamala Harris, Vice President; Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court; Charles E. Grassley, Senator and prior president pro tempore emeritus of the United States Senate; Ted Crux, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution; Richard Blumenthal, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution; Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services; U.S. State Governors and Perpetrator Judicial Government Employees

Our ICC Complaint has been filed with all ICC Judicial Employees

The other top government employees in this Criminal Complaint/Claim in addition to Joe Robinette Biden, Jr. include Kamala Harris, Vice President; Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court; Charles E. Grassley, Senator and prior president pro tempore emeritus of the United States Senate; Ted Crux, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution; Richard Blumenthal, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution; Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services; U.S. State Governors and Perpetrator Judicial Government Employees

We hereby list all judicial government employees in the International Criminal Court who are on

notice of U.S. Atrocity Crimes:

  • Piotr Hofmański, President (Poland)

  • Luz del Carmen Ibáñez Carranza, First VP (Peru)

  • Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua, Second VP (DR Congo)

  • Reine Alapini-Gansou (Benin)

  • Tomoko Akane (Japan)

  • Solomy Balungi Bossa (Uganda)

  • Péter Kovács (Hungary)

  • Marc Perrin de Brichambaut (France)

  • Kimberly Prost (Canada)

  • Rosario Salvatore Aitala (Italy)

  • Bertram Schmitt (Germany)

  • Joanna Korner (United Kingdom)

  • Gocha Lordkipanidze (Georgia)

  • Chung Chang-ho (South Korea)

All ICC judicial public servants are criminally liable for conspiracy and accomplice to Atrocity Crimes for any failure to hold Joe Biden and the U.S. government employees criminally liable for the U.S. Atrocity Crimes. All Crime Victims of these Atrocity Crimes are urged to join this Criminal Complaint

Socorro de Liera (Mexico)

Sergio Gerardo Ugalde Godinez (Costa Rica)

Miatta Maria Samba (Sierra Leone)

Althea Violet Alexis-Windsor (Trinidad and Tobago)

#We Know #We Grow

The Constitutional Is Unconstitutional

The Constitution was written in 1787 for an Agrarian Slave Society.

The Constitution held sacred was fatally flawed at its inception. Even its founders were concerned that government would evolve into tyranny.

Their ominous premonitions have become true. To continue its outdated, Supremist concept to govern our digital 21st century world is preposterous and gross dereliction of duty- no different than stubbornly persisting in using a horse and buggy, antiquated 1787 medical cures or ignoring technology.

We do not Consent to Tyrannical Assaults on our Human Rights and Human Dignity. As the Constitution is premised on the continuing consent of the governed, when the state no longer protects the rights it was intended to preserve, the consent is vitiated. When governments violate those rights, its citizens have the right to take up arms.

Examples of Fatal Flaws in the Constitution

1.It is Pro-Slavery.

2.It Empowers the Government and Disempowers the People.

3.It Protects the Property of the Government, not the People.

4. The Constitution reeks of sanctimonious complicity.

5. The Electoral College is Unlawful - it overrides the vote of the People.

6. The Constitution was illegally ratified, born from intimidation, and virtually impossible to Amend.

7. Most top-level Federal government employee are appointed, not elected.

8. There are countless loopholes in state governments enabling the appointment, not election of state government employees.

9. There are NO ENFORCEMENT mechanisms in the Constitution to its violation by government employees.

10. There is no Federal Constitutionally created federal law enforcement government agency. Law enforcement is not a federal Constitutional Right.

11. Pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, “that to secure our rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” These are empty words without implementation and execution provisions, therefore hypocritical and deceptive propaganda creating a false government. A government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is only justified and legal when derived from the people.

12. The Constitution has lapsed. Thomas Jefferson himself made clear this fundamental, commonsense principle of law. In a letter to James Madison, Jefferson states any Constitution is not binding on those who are not a party; expires after 19 years and must be renewed if it is not to become “an act of force and not of right”

#We Know #We Grow

Intolerable Acts of the Tyrannical U.S. Government

We are in a COLD WAR. Not with a foreign government but with the U.S. government that is waging war against WE THE PEOPLE, its rightful masters . Our government has become a crime syndicate of Kakistocrats and Kleptocrats who are running our country. The monumental debauchery, depravity, and sadistic deception by the U.S. government masquerading as free world nation is more terrifying than that of the worst 3rd world countries.

Kakistocracy: (/kæki'stɒkrəsi/, /kækis'tɒkrəsi/) a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. As far back as 1877, American poet James Russell Lowell used the term in a letter to Joel Benton, writing, "What fills me with doubt and dismay is the degradation of the moral tone. Is it or is it not a result of Democracy? Is ours a 'government of the people by the people for the people,' or a Kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?"

Kleptocracy: Kleptocracy (from Greek κλέπτης kléptēs, "thief", κλέπτω kléptō, "I steal", and -κρατία -kratía from κράτος krátos, "power, rule") is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to appropriate the wealth of their nation, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population. Theocracy means literally the rule by thievery and is a term used synonymously to kleptocracy.

U.S. Government Employees self-benefit, abuse their power, act above the law, use taxpayer appointments to strip/rape citizens of their rights, assets, liberty and lives and destroy anyone who interferes with their well-oiled thievery, trafficking, murder-for-hire and money laundering.

All government branches act in conspiracy

The U.S. government has one of the worst records of so called western liberal democracies for its failure to ratify most major multilateral human rights treaties and conventions.

To blackmail its citizens into silence, color of law “legislators” enacted the monster of all terror, blackmail and stalking threats using a “protection sounding name” i.e the “Patriot Act,” to pretend to legitimize its crimes and extort the public from reporting them.

The Supreme Court purports to “legitimize” corruption.

The cold war RAGING between the American people and Government is so dangerous, it is even sometimes leaked by the corrupt media and explosively exposed by those in its inner sanctum and prominent public influencers


#We Know #We Grow

Injuries And Usurpations
And New Guards

Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Injustices and Usurpations in the King's form of government pale in comparison to those by existing imposter U.S. government employees who openly Murder, Pillage, Sex and Human Traffic its People and those in other countries. Their atrocities are so heinous that an International Criminal Court was established by the U. N. with sole jurisdiction of the Atrocity Crimes by the government itself.

As done by the founders in the Declaration of Independence who set forth to a candid world the “repeated injuries and usurpations all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States” so too do we.

#We Know #We Grow

Our New Legitimate Extraordinary Government

By Right and By Law

We The People Do Not Consent To Be Reduced To Absolute Despotism

As is our right and our duty under the Declaration of Independence, We the People provide new Guards for our future security:

The Past

An Archaic, Repressive, Slave-Driven, Illegitimate Government

The Unconstitutional Constitution created exclusively by White Men, many who were Slave Owners to protect their Elitist Status, not the rights of the People

The Present

The Adult and Child Trafficking Racket

The Inextricably Intertwined Rackets

The Future

Governance by We the People

Affirmation of Our Bountiful Rights set forth in the U.N. International Bill of Rights

Join our Platform to Reclaim and Secure Our Rights.

We are not a “Movement”

We the People are “By Right and By Law”

The Rightful and Lawful Power,

Of a New Legitimate Extraordinary Government

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